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Truck Accident Claims in CA: What Challenges Can You Face?
Did you know that California consistently ranks among the worst states for having the most truck accidents? In 2022, California saw 13,616 truck crashes that injured 5,520 people and killed 519 more. Unfortunately, injuries sustained in truck accidents are often severe or catastrophic, requiring extensive medical treatment and producing life-altering conditions.
You deserve compensation for your injuries and related losses, but truck accident claims are typically more complex than those for car crashes. When you choose to work with one of our experienced lawyers at Tahmazian Law Firm, P.C., you do not have to face these challenges alone.
Can You Get Compensation After a Food Truck Injury?
20On July 20, 2024, a food truck in Whittier, CA exploded, causing five injuries. Two of the injured victims had critical injuries. An issue with the truck’s propane tanks may have been responsible.
Food trucks are becoming increasingly popular, but hungry customers may get more than they bargained for if an explosion or other type of accident occurs. Are food truck owners liable to compensate you for a personal injury they caused? Our experienced Southern California lawyers from Tahmazian Law Firm, P.C. explain.
What Kinds of Injuries Can Food Trucks Cause?
Accidents can happen for many reasons, and any of them can cause injuries. Because food trucks are mobile, they have multiple risks.
Propane Tank Explosions
How Does Comparative Negligence Affect Slip-and-Fall Injuries?
Imagine the following scenario: A delivery driver named John visits the grocery store to pick up some items for the house. As he walks through the aisles, he texts his wife with questions about the shopping list. While on his phone, John fails to notice the puddle in the middle of the aisle coming from an open bag of ice that has fallen from the freezer. He slips and falls, suffering a concussion and a wrist fracture. Now unable to drive, John is forced to take extended time off work until he fully heals.
An investigation finds that the store knew about the fallen bag of ice for over an hour but neither removed it nor placed a sign warning shoppers that the area was wet.
John consults his California slip-and-fall injury attorney who investigates the case. The lawyer determines that the store’s management was negligent and John can likely claim compensation from the store for damages resulting from his injury. However, the attorney warns John that his compensation might be affected by California’s comparative negligence law.
What Can I Do If I Was Injured in a Rideshare Accident?
In today’s gig economy, ridesharing has become a great way to get around. Companies like Uber and Lyft hire millions of drivers in over 70 countries to transport passengers. Last year, Uber alone was responsible for more than 9.4 billion trips worldwide.
As rides increase, however, so do accidents. Ridesharing has been blamed for a three percent increase in vehicle collisions, which in turn has led to more fatalities and injuries. But what can passengers do when they are injured in a rideshare accident? Can they bring a claim against the driver? Can they sue the rideshare company?
This article will discuss what you can do if you are injured in a rideshare accident. However, it is always best to seek a California rideshare attorney’s guidance concerning your legal options.
Are Rideshare Companies Liable for Collisions?
The first question that must be answered is if a rideshare company like Uber or Lyft is responsible for the actions of its drivers. Normally, a company is liable for injuries its employees cause while on the job, with some exceptions. However, rideshare drivers do not have the status of employees. They are hired as independent contractors, a status which provides a degree of separation between the driver and the company. Because of this, the rideshare company is usually liable for accidents caused by its drivers, but not always.
Can I Sue a Third Party If I Was Injured By a Drunk Driver?
Drunk driving is a major threat to road safety. This is especially true in California, which in 2021 saw the highest number of drunk driving deaths in the country after Texas. In 2023, law enforcement in California made 125,000 arrests related to driving under the influence (DUI). In the same year, there were more than 200,000 DUI-related car accidents.
Injuries from DUI-related accidents are sometimes severe. Victims often seek to claim compensation for those injuries and property damage from the drunk driver. Many states, however, also allow DUI crash victims to claim damages from the third party who served the driver alcohol.
This article will discuss whether California law allows you to sue a third party if you are injured by a drunk driver. If you sustain injuries in a DUI-related collision, contact a California car accident attorney who can explain your options.
How Do I Prove Negligence in a Personal Injury Case in California?
Under California law, not every injury is grounds for a lawsuit. If you want to recover compensation for damages caused by someone else, you need to prove that the other party was negligent. This means that the other party, or the defendant, did not take a reasonable amount of care to prevent your injury. If you were injured on a ride at an amusement park, for example, and you find that park employees failed to do a basic inspection, you may be able to show that the park was negligent.
Proving negligence is not simple, however. Negligence is made up of four elements:
Duty of care
Breach of duty
Proving all these elements is crucial to a strong personal injury case, which is why it should be done by an experienced California personal injury lawyer.
Can I Sue for a Dog Bite in California?
Every year, about 4.5 million people in the United States get attacked by a dog. Some of these are minor injuries, but an estimated 800,000 of such people end up seeking medical attention. Most of the time, these injuries consist of puncture wounds to the hands and arms. In some cases, however, dog bites can cause more serious injuries like disfigurement and scarring.
But is the owner of the dog always responsible? This article will discuss how California law views the responsibility of dog owners. As always, it is best to consult a California personal injury lawyer with any legal questions about dog bite injuries.
Is a Dog Owner Liable for Dog Bites?
According to California law, dog owners are strictly liable for damage caused by their dogs. This is true whether or not the dog has shown aggressive behavior before. Even if this is the dog’s first time attacking someone, the owner is still responsible for damages caused by the canine.
What Damages Can I Claim for a Catastrophic Injury in California?
A catastrophic injury is the most severe type of injury other than death. According to the U.S. Code, it is an injury that permanently prevents a person from “performing any gainful work.” Someone who suffers a catastrophic injury is likely to have:
Diminished quality of life
A long-term disability
Extensive medical bills
A higher chance of death
Because of this, a catastrophic injury victim can sometimes be entitled to heavy compensation by claiming different kinds of damages. The outcome depends on many factors, however, so a California personal injury attorney should be consulted about specific details.
Hit and Run Injuries in California
When car collisions happen, the people involved generally make note of any damage to themselves and the other people and then exchange insurance information. They might also take pictures of the scene of the crash to help with legal and police procedures later on. However, sometimes a driver crashes into someone and does not stop to see if they are alright or give the other person any information, including their phone number, license plate, or insurance information. In this type of hit and run accident, it can be more difficult to recover damages from the at-fault driver, but an experienced Los Angeles, CA car accident attorney can help you navigate the process.
What to Do After You Are Hurt in a Hit and Run
The way you will handle your injuries from the car accident depends on the driver.
Nursing Home Abuse in California
Choosing a nursing home for your aging parent can take time. You consider all the options available and try to decide where your parents will be happy, comfortable, and receive the best care. You want them to enjoy their time in this new home, and you hope they will be treated with dignity and warmth. Unfortunately, some nursing home residents experience abuse or neglect, and it can be difficult to discover for reasons that will be explained below. Some physical signs or symptoms, like the development of sepsis, for example, can be an indication that your loved one is not receiving proper care. Checking in with them regularly and asking about how they are treated or observing their behavior and mood if they are nonverbal is also a good idea. If your parent has developed a case of sepsis while living in a nursing home, speak with a compassionate Los Angeles, CA personal injury attorney to find out what options you have.