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Seeking Compensation after Serious Injuries in a Hit-and-Run Accident

 Posted on January 25, 2023 in Car Accidents

Glendale, CA car crash accident lawyerNo matter how safely you drive, you can get into an accident because other drivers may be negligent. The impact of a car crash is downright scary. You may feel disoriented and not know what to do. You may be even more worried when you find out that the person who caused the accident left the scene. How will you ever find the person responsible for your serious bodily injuries in the hit-and-run accident and how much time do you have to take civil action in a hit-and-run case?

Hit and Run Accident

A hit-and-run accident is when someone is involved in a car accident with another car, pedestrian, parked vehicle, or bicycle and leaves the scene without providing reasonable assistance to an injured person or the following information:


Detecting Various Forms of Nursing Home Abuse

 Posted on January 05, 2023 in Personal Injury

LOs Angeles nursing home injury lawyerA nursing home resident and their family should feel confident that the needs of their loved one is being met and that they will be safe from harm. Unfortunately, the most vulnerable in our population may be afraid to speak up or cannot always speak up about abuse. Abuse is prevalent in nursing homes and it can take many forms, including physical and mental abuse. More than 1.4 million people suffer nursing home abuse. Your loved one deserves quality care and to live with dignity. At Tahmazian Law Firm, P.C., we try to protect their rights and seek the compensation that your family is entitled to if they have suffered from abuse in their nursing home.

Vigilant Family Members Needed

Under California law, elder abuse is the physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation of a person who is 65 years or older. Nursing home abuse may not be easy to spot but family members should be vigilant, asking questions and visiting their loved ones regularly if possible. Demonstrating that abuse is happening behind the closed doors of a nursing home when you are not present can be challenging. If you see anything concerning, the best thing you can do is to take photos and document everything, especially if it shows the progression of an injury or abuse over some time.

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Holiday Travel Increases Car Accident Risks

 Posted on December 23, 2022 in Car Accidents

Los Angeles, CA car accident lawyerMany people will bypass air travel and opt for driving home for the holidays. Unfortunately, it is estimated that nearly 350 people will die on U.S. roads this Christmas holiday weekend alone. Choosing a car may seem more practical given all of the security checks at airports, but traveling by car increases your chances of getting in a car accident compared to other modes of transportation.

What Causes Holiday Accidents?

The work involved with coordinating holiday events, shopping, and travel can amount to high stress. Driving into unfamiliar areas when there is snow or rain increases the risks. Some of the reasons car accidents occur during the holidays include the following:

  • Vehicle maintenance – You may need new brakes but would rather use that money to buy gifts. Before you hit the road this holiday, make sure you make the necessary car repairs so that your car is properly maintained.

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Truck Drivers on Point to Make Holiday Deliveries: Who is Liable in a Truck Accident?

 Posted on December 08, 2022 in Truck Accidents

Los Angeles, CA truck accident injury lawyerThe holiday rush is upon us and truck drivers throughout Los Angeles County are trying to make those timely deliveries. However, the combination of time constraints and fatigue could spell disaster. For example, we have all seen tragic images of large box trucks toppled off of a highway, sometimes crash-landing on top of other vehicles. 

Truck accidents are among the most dangerous vehicle accidents. From 2010 to 2019, there was a 73 percent increase in the number of people killed in accidents involving large trucks. At Tahmazian Law Firm, P.C., we know how devastating truck accidents can be and that is why we fight for our clients who have been injured by truck crashes. 

Truck Crashes are the Most Dangerous Vehicle Accidents

It is no secret that commercial trucks are larger than your average vehicle. They are also heavier and more difficult to handle, and the danger only increases when the roads are slick and wet. On impact, drivers and passengers in smaller vehicles are likely to sustain serious injuries. As you recover, it is important to have an experienced truck injury attorney who can guide you through the process and help you hold the truck driver or even the trucking company liable for your injuries and damages.

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Can Stores be Liable for My Injuries on Black Friday?

 Posted on November 22, 2022 in Personal Injury

Los Angeles, CA premises liability lawyerEvery year, crowds flock to retail stores on Black Friday to get themselves some sweet deals. Holiday spending this year is projected to be higher than last year. But if memory serves us right, the day after Thanksgiving has also become infamous for violence including flights and gunfire. To help you stay safe in LA County this year, we want to offer some insight into premises liability.

Premises Liability

California shoppers are guests when they are on the premises of a store. Under the law, property owners have a duty of care to make sure shoppers are safe. That includes warning customers about possible hazards.

Given the violence and stampedes in recent years, stores often take some precautions on Black Friday to avoid premises liability lawsuits including:

Deadly Crashes and Wrongful Death Lawsuits

 Posted on November 07, 2022 in Car Accidents

Los Angeles wrongful death attorneyA deadly car accident can be traumatizing for the entire family. You might wonder how you will ever recover from such a loss. Unfortunately, deadly car crashes continue to soar in Los Angeles County; in the first months of this year, there was a seven percent increase in deadly car crashes compared to the previous year, which was already at a 15-year high.  If people continue driving recklessly, this trend is likely to continue into the holiday season. If you have lost a loved one in a vehicle collision through no fault of their own, Tahmazian Law Firm, P.C. can try to help you seek compensation for wrongful death.

Driving Risks that Lead to Fatal Accidents

Everything from careless to reckless driving can lead to fatal car accidents. In 2020, AAA surveyed drivers and found that many people were more likely to engage in risky behavior by consuming alcohol, intentionally running a red light, and speeding. Car accidents can also be caused by various forms of negligence. Sometimes other parties may also be at fault due to dangerous road conditions or defective auto parts. If you believe your family member was killed in a car crash due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation.

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Did a Slip and Fall Injury Ruin Your Celebration?

 Posted on October 27, 2022 in Personal Injury

Glendale, CA slip and fall injury lawyerAfter-hours office parties at a restaurant or holiday get-togethers at someone’s house are supposed to make for a memorable evening. Unfortunately along with the celebration, there is always the potential for serious injury. More than 8 million people in the United States wind up in the emergency room every year after suffering a fall. Slip and falls alone make up 12 percent of the total number of falls and account for 1 million ER visits. If you take a tumble and are seriously injured you may want to file a lawsuit. 

Hazards Inside and Outdoors

Property owners have a duty of care to make sure they protect people’s safety. Any hazards should be repaired or addressed. This applies to private property owners as well as public establishments. People often fall for the following reasons:

  • Wet floors – slippery flooring due to spilled liquids, recent mopping, and lack of floor mats

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Can I Be at Fault if I Was Hit By a Car While Jaywalking?

 Posted on October 17, 2022 in Personal Injury

L.A. County personal injury lawyerThe beautiful weather in Los Angeles entices many people to get out and go for a walk. But urban areas are normally bustling with traffic congestion and pedestrians rushing to cross the street or catch the bus. A pedestrian accident with a motor vehicle, especially if you are jaywalking, can have you wondering if you are entirely to blame. 


Jaywalking is not legal anywhere in California. If you cross the street under the following circumstances it would be considered jaywalking:


  • Crossing at a crosswalk when a light is flashing “do not walk”

  • Crossing at a crosswalk outside a crosswalk

  • Crossing the street 15 feet from a marked crosswalk 


There are instances in which a pedestrian must cross the street outside of the crosswalk - for example, if there is ongoing construction. In this case, the pedestrian would need to yield the right of way to oncoming vehicles. The law is also in place so that drivers exercise care for the safety of pedestrians. 

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Commonly Defective Products to be Aware Of

 Posted on September 27, 2022 in Personal Injury

L.A. County product liability attorneyAs people go about their daily lives, they frequently presume that the products they use will work as expected and create little or no danger. Little or no thought is given to the possibility that a product on the market is unreasonably unsafe for the average consumer. Yet, defective products injure people every day. Often, the defective product in question is not one that is commonly thought of as dangerous. Rather, dangerously defective products are often entirely innocuous products that show no obvious sign of a defect. Thus, defective product injuries frequently happen when they are least expected. When a product has been designed, built, or labeled in such a way as to render it unreasonably unsafe, a person who was injured by the product may be able to win compensation from the party responsible for the defect. An attorney can guide you through this process. 

Appliances, Car Parts, and Other Potentially Defective Products

Few defects are visible or readily discoverable until the defect has caused harm to a person. Commonly defective products it may be wise to monitor closely include: 

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Pursuing Compensation After a Dog Bite

 Posted on September 21, 2022 in Personal Injury

LA County dog bite lawyerDog bites are often worse than they initially appear. Frequently, people who have been bitten are at first only aware of puncture wounds that could theoretically be effectively treated at home. However, injuries inflicted by a dog bite can extend far beyond the surface of the skin. Damage to ligaments, tendons, and even veins may necessitate surgical repair. Broken bones, particularly in the hands, can be camouflaged by rapidly developing hematoma enveloping the bitten area. Infectious bacteria contained within a dog’s mouth and saliva are a critical secondary concern. Infections stemming from a dog bite can become severe due to the depth at which bacteria was driven under the skin. If you have been bitten by a dog, it is imperative to seek urgent medical attention. You may also be eligible to recover financial compensation for any costs and losses related to the injury. 

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